Backstory: I graduated medical school in January 2017. And while I enjoyed those 4 years, and developed a strong love for medicine, I ultimately decided not to practice.

After graduating, I picked up programming again full-time and had the realization that this was what I wanted to do after all. I dabbled with code in my formative years, but never had the time to pursue it seriously. I attended the Recurse Center in Summer 2017 and that was perhaps one of the best decisions I’ve made.

Interests: the cross-section of medicine and technology, systems and infrastructure, programming languages, and writing on technical topics.

Goals: I would like to use my domain knowledge of medicine and software engineering to make advancements in medical technology.

When I’m not programming, I can be found playing soccer, drinking coffee, or meditating.

Open Invitation

I am always excited to learn, grow, and share knowledge. I enjoy getting emails. Whether it is to talk about software, medicine, the cross-section of the two, or really anything else, this is an open invite. Feel free to reach out to me: [email protected].